Our firm has retained its respectable stance in the market by manufacturing and exporting a modern range of Automatic Titrators (TITRA). These machines are used for testing the concentration for determining the maximum precision and productivity. It is also applied in the field of research and biotechnology. Automatic Titrators (TITRA) are designed and manufactured by our professionals as per the set industry norms using supreme grade materials. Before supplying in the market, each and every piece of machine is tested on its design, performance and finish.
Advanced micro controller based user-friendly state-of-the-art design with alphanumeric splash waterproof polyester soft keys for keyboard.
Quick Interchangeable imported burette assemblies with intelligent recognition for its volume size.
Three standardized modes of titration, namely incremental, equilibrium and cut-off by pH mode to perform all types of titration.
User selectable End Point (EP) evaluation upto 9 EP during the run, and calculation by first, last,largest, all or selected EP with display of results and printout.
Statistic function with run Selectivity for finding Mean, S.D., R.S.D., and C.V. of last 10 repeat run results could be viewed or printed.
Data downloading facilities to PC with window based.